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Front End Developer and Former EFL Teacher

Fabiola Suarez

Based in United States

Contact Me

What I Do

Front End Development

I love creating responsive applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I'm always learning from my own mistakes and learning from curiosity. I like to have my questions answered and look for help after I have not being able to find a solution to the problem at hand by myself. I really value team work and look for others view points in order to get feedback and growth as a developer and person.

EFL Teacher

Teaching English as a Foreign Language is my other passion an I dream of creating the perfect app to help people learning and most importantly using the language effectively. I like to encourage my students to speak the language without any fear of making mistakes, because my own experience have teaching me to push others to do their best no matter if it's not perfect. I'm very passionate about languages human and machine languages.


Programming Languages & Tools

React JS
Node Package Manager
Google SEO

About me

In 2015 I became interested in programming. I start learning the basics and then five years later in 2020 after I finished my English as a Foreign Language program, I decided to start learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript seriously. I learned by myself the basics and then join the SheCodes workshops thanks to the SheCodes Foundation who supported my learning journey through a scholarship. I have created some apps while I learned to program in JavaScript and I like to expend time every day programming. This have been a long journey that I hope to continue by overcoming my own failures and learning new programming approaches.

Besides, as an EFL teacher I have taught mostly young adults from Colombia in virtual environments using Google Meet, Zoom and Skype. I have created my own class materials to teach English through relevant day to day topics. I focus my classes in language production skills (speaking and writing) use most of the time. I also encourage my students to share the topics they would like to learn through, as a way to keep their interest and motivation in learning the language boosted.


Bachelor of Arts in Modern Foreign Languages with a major in English

U.S. equivalence

Licenciada en Inglés Como Lengua Extranjera

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD - Colombia


Introduction to Coding

SheCodes Basics

Front End Development

SheCodes Plus

Responsive Web Development

SheCodes Responsive




(300) 321 8765